Add and Manage Waste Products

OneClick provides options for both a preconfigured set of default waste products and custom entries unique to your store. This article covers how to configure both to meet your unique needs.

To add or manage waste products, first you need to navigate to the “Product Configuration” screen using the button with the wrench icon.

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Once you arrive at the product configuration screen, you’ll be able to see a list of your existing waste products. To manage existing products, simply click on the three dots icon (below) and select either the “Edit,” “Delete” or “Duplicate” options.

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  • The “Duplicate” option creates a copy of that waste product that you can then configure.
  • The “Delete” option removes the waste product from your list of waste products entirely
  • The “Edit”  option launches a pop-up window where you can edit all of the properties for the current product

Adding a waste product -

To add a new product to your store’s list of options to select when recording waste, simply click the plus button in the top right corner of the Product Configuration screen.

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This will launch the following pop up:

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From this window, enter the information about the product you would like to add. This includes the name of the waste product, the category of the waste product (waste, donation or sample), and any external information about the waste product.

External information can include:

  • The name of the product in an external system (under “External Name”).
  • The units the product is measured in.
  • The cost per unit of the product.

Once you have entered all the information about the product you are adding, simply press the save button to add the new waste product to the list for your store.

We hope that the ability to configure and add products to your store will help you to accurately and efficiently record and track waste. If there is a way that we can better serve you, or you have any suggestions for new features, please feel free to visit our feedback page or contact our support team..