Automatic Scheduler

With OneClick, you can setup your lineups. It will put the ACES in their places


The following is a transcript of the video generated by a computer. The wording may be different.



[00:04] The next one is auto schedule, which is— Gets me super excited because this is the epitome of what OneClick is and where OneClick is actually going, that with the single click, you can now do magical stuff. And in the future it'll even get better. But go ahead and— Go ahead and show us that.



[00:36] So, the auto schedule if you're using the training module and if you have training data in your system, it doesn't take a lot of training data, just a little bit. What we can do is we can actually auto schedule and let the algorithm take care of like the bulk of the scheduling for you. So, we know that dragging and dropping is pretty easy, right? And we're improving that and making it as good as we can. But if you just want to say, you know what, I forgot to do it ahead of time, or I just don't have the brain power to think this through, what is the algorithm saying? We have the option to do that. So, Donna, all the way down at the bottom of the roster, down on the right, there's this new button called auto schedule available with the training module. And once it's clicked, once it's with the training module and once it's set up, when you click it, in just one, it's going to do most of the work for us. So, I'm going to go 1, 2, 3, bam. Oh, I missed it. Ah, I didn't actually click the button.

[01:29] So, when I click the auto schedule button, it's going to take all the employees on the shift and it's going to look at what are they good at, and it's going to look at all the positions and it's going to say, which positions do I actually need? And which positions are hard and which ones can be done by lots of people, and it's going to match up the people to the positions based on what they're qualified to do.



[01:47] Yeah, this is incredible. This is, like I said, the epitome of OneClick is, what the dream has always been. That what the single click, you can actually have everybody in the positions that— Where the logic is actually giving you really, really good suggestions. You really have to look over it and just do final touches, final edits. And it's really important to note, just like you said, that you actually do need the training module in order for this to work. We need that logic in order to pull from the training, say who has the best ratings in Front of House cashier or sauce runner, things like that so that the system can actually make those informed decisions. What kind of logic besides rating each team member in places, what other kind of logic is included in this?



[02:51] So in this, in this early version, it's only looking at the ratings. And so, it's going to put people in the positions just based on the training data. Development has already started and it's underway on looking at a lot more. Specifically, where has the employee been in the past? So earlier today, were they on front counter? And if they were, then let's not put them on front counter again. Yesterday, were they outside and were they outside the day before? Well, if they've been outside all week, then let's give them an inside position. Or maybe they just recently started learning how to how to do drinks, right? And so, we're going to notice that they recently started learning drinks, and we're going to suggest, “Hey, let's put them in register, not during the busy time, but during this slow time”. And add an extra logic of what are they learning? Where have they been in the past?

[03:42] In the future maybe the employee says, “Hey, I would like to practice this position” or the trainers can say, “Hey, we want to designate this person to be practicing in this position”, and it'll be accounting for all of that as it's filling in the logic. I guess there's one more thing, Mike. The other thing is it will take into consideration which positions need to be filled and how important it is that each position is filled. And so, the operators, right? That work with us, and we get it set up for them, we say, “Hey, these are my positions and if I don't have enough employees to get all of these positions, then at least I need these core ones”, and then it will automatically, like based on however many employees are on the shift, it will take that into consideration and fill in the positions that you need.



[04:28] See, I wish that I could describe to every Chick-fil-A leader, team member, operator, how monumental this is. How the logic that has— The logic of the algorithms that you have just launched is a culmination and a combination of years, not only of years of you working inside of Chick-fil-A, but also of years of logic and emails, customers, emails, operators, managers, team members giving us feedback and telling us what works, what doesn't work, and all that. All of that knowledge was actually built into these algorithms and it's going to get better over time, better than a single click. And that is phenomenal. So, training is required for anybody who wants to use that.