Rotating Buddies

Improve scheduling, optimize workflow, and ensure that your team is always prepared to meet customer needs.


OneClick's Rotating Buddies feature allows for easy switching of multiple team members between positions, offering enhanced flexibility in scheduling and efficient team management. This article provides a step-by-step guide on using Rotating Buddies in OneClick.


Accessing Rotating Buddies: To utilize Rotating Buddies and switch team members between positions, follow these steps

  1. Move Team Members:
    • Move the desired team members from their current positions to the desired position(s) in the layout.
  2. Assign to Rotating Buddies Set:
    • Assign the moved team members to the Rotating Buddies set, which serves as a temporary holding area.


Switching Team Members: Once team members are assigned to the Rotating Buddies set, follow these steps to switch them between positions

  1. Locate the Rotating Buddies Set:
    • Find the Rotating Buddies set within the OneClick interface, typically appearing as a separate section or category.
  2. Use the Switch Arrow:
    • Click on the arrow icon associated with each team member in the Rotating Buddies set to initiate the switch between positions.
  3. Confirm and Apply Changes:
    • Review the proposed changes prompted by OneClick, ensuring they align with your intended rearrangement. Apply the changes when satisfied.


Observing Rotating Buddies in Action: To visually understand how to use Rotating Buddies in OneClick, watch the provided demonstration video via the link. The video showcases the step-by-step process of moving team members to the Rotating Buddies set and using the switch arrow to switch them between positions, highlighting the flexibility and convenience of this feature.


The following is a transcript of the video generated by a computer. The wording may be different.

[00:01] Hey, everyone from OneClick, this is Kevin. I'm going to talk about what Rotating Buddies is. So, you can see here that I've already pre-set up everyone in their Rotating Buddies sets. That's why they have a 2x next to their name. Basically, I take everybody and put them onto the lineup. So, I could take Cole here, and so now he's in three spots. But I can also put him, let's say, in this third set. So, I'm basically just dragging and dropping them into that way. So, I'm going to put Ezra here into green just to kind of show the differences of what actually happens inside of Rotating Buddies. Just know that they are not actually on break, but besides point.

[00:41] So, the idea is, for example, for Kennedy and Cole here, one is inside and one is outside. So, I can click on this little arrow here, and it switches their positions. It also has a little timer and how many times it actually rotated them. So, I can click it again and it flips them back. And the idea behind this is if it's too hot, too cold, or whatever outside, you can have people switch inside and outside without having to drag and drop, which would take forever. You could just click, they switch.

[01:13] Now you can also do that with more people. So, in this case, the three. The idea is that you could have like your bag checker here, your drinks, your desserts, maybe your window, and you want to switch them every 10, 15 minutes or whatever, just like you would outside. And I can click on this arrow here, and you can see how as I click it, they switch positions. And you can have that all there. Now, the other cool thing that you can do is, let's say Cole is in two positions, like he is the dining room person and window, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But as I switch here, Kennedy is now in two positions. So, I could switch them again, and they would only be like that way. Now, that doesn't make any sense, but maybe you have Cole is outside, but is also outside expo. So, if it's like super bad, maybe you have more people here, whatever. He's also running, and then he's going to switch with Kennedy and window, and then both of them are going to switch like the whole position.

[02:09] So, whatever you guys want to think about of what you want to do with these rotating buddies here, that's what they're for. So, you can switch them rather easily, and you have how long they've been switched. If you do have any questions about it, don't hesitate to reach out by either emailing us or down below there's that ‘Reply with Video’, and we're happy to answer any questions.