Training Report

Overview of Training Reports

Training Reports provide essential insights into employee performance, focusing on how well team members are trained and rated across different areas of the organization. These reports allow management to track the effectiveness of training programs, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and maintain a high standard of service quality.

Recent Updates:

  • Star Level Rating by Position and Permission Level has been introduced to give more detailed insights into the quality of training based on roles and permissions.
  • Enhanced Rated Team Members section now offers a clearer view of trained versus untrained team members through a new horizontal column chart layout.

Report Generation Process

Steps to Generate a Training Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports section using the top navigation.
  2. Select the Trainings tab to access the Training Report options.
  3. Choose the report you wish to generate:
    • Star Level Rating by Position for role-specific feedback.
    • Star Level Rating by Permission Level for feedback based on permission roles.
    • Rated Team Members for an overview of trained vs. untrained team members.
  4. Use the filters provided to narrow down your report by section or role.
  5. Select Generate Report to view detailed star ratings, team member feedback, and training statistics.
  • Reports now include detailed breakdowns by position and permission level, allowing for targeted analysis.
  • The Rated Team Members section now includes a chart displaying the number of ratings versus the number of trained employees.

Report Components:

  1. Star Rating Chart (By Position):
    • Displays the average star ratings for each position, giving a quick overview of how employees are performing in their roles.
    • Purpose: To track satisfaction levels and identify areas needing improvement.
    • Placement: Middle-top of the report page.
  2. Star Rating Chart (By Permission Level):
    • Provides a detailed view of training quality across different permission levels, calculating both individual and overall averages.
    • Purpose: To highlight how effectively the team is trained based on permission roles.
    • Placement: Middle-bottom of the report page.
  3. Rated Team Members:
    • A horizontal column chart displaying the number of trained versus untrained employees for various positions (e.g., Front of House, Runner and Front Counter).
    • Purpose: Helps management focus their training efforts on underperforming areas.
    • Placement: Left side of the report page.