
Infractions: Track negative behaviors or rule violations of Team Members.

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Infraction FAQs



Infractions help track negative behaviors or rule violations of Team Members.  By keeping a careful record of these items, your store can meet compliance policies and uphold standards. Especially when paired with Moola, infractions can help balance out your team culture.

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To begin the process of issuing an infraction, you can follow these steps:

1. Click the Team tab in your left menu.  
2. Search or find the person receiving the infraction. Go to their profile. Alternatively, you can access a Team Members profile who is on the roster or layout by long pressing/clicking on their name, then pressing "Profile".
3. Click "Infractions" on their profile.
4. Press "Issue a New Infraction"
5. Add the infraction issue date, infraction type, and expiration. 

6. Add notes. By default, the Leadership signature is required and Employee signature is optional. Learn how to configure this setting here.

7. Press "Submit Infraction"
8. You will see the infractions apply to their profile with the total points and threshold. 

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By default, Shift Leader level and higher are able to view the Accountability Store or the history of infractions. This history will never go away unless a Director or Operator deletes an infraction. Infractions can be edited by Manager level and higher.

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Customizing your infractions is easy and can be done in-app. Manager level and higher are able to access the settings page. To access the settings page for infractions:

  1. Open "Settings" in your left menu.
  2. Click "Infractions".

Below is a list of all the customizations you can do for infractions. Click on the links to be taken directly to that section.



Change the infraction name, point value, and expiration by click on the three dots on the right of an infraction or clicking "+" at the bottom to add one from scratch.


Update the penalty types by pressing the three dots on the right of a penalty or clicking "+" at the bottom to add one from scratch.


These three checkboxes determine general or “global” settings for your infraction signature.

  • If the first box is checked, all edits to infractions will be allowed, regardless of other settings.
  • If the second box is checked, all submitted signatures will be able to be edited.
  • If the third checkbox is checked, no signatures will be able to be edited after the infraction is submitted.
Note: These settings will override all other infraction settings.


In the “Acknowledgement” text box, you can write an acknowledgement that will be displayed before a leader adds their signature to an infraction.

In the dropdown labeled “Leader/Employee Signature Requirement,” you can set whether a signature will be Required, Not Required, or Optional. 

Using the checkbox, you will be able to allow or disallow the signature being edited after the infraction is submitted.



Email Notifications

"Reply-To Email" is for the Team Member to reply to email notification of infraction. Otherwise, it will be a non-reply email.

"Infraction Received" email enabled = Team Member receives email notification. To see email example, go here.

Other Settings


New Point Duration will reset all Team Members infractions every quarter (or whatever timeframe you set).


The significant point threshold is at what point threshold will the penalty show as red. By default, the threshold is 20 points.

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Employee infractions email example

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Can we use negative points on infractions to indicate positive behavior?

Yes...with a word of caution. Implementing a positive AND negative point system within infractions may create problems and confusion. We recommend keeping all negative records in Infractions and all positive behavior in Moola. This will allow more accurate data for each Team Member and allows your team to issue positive rewards based on individual performance, not necessarily to balance out or remove negative infraction points. For instance, if Mary has 0 infractions and the Leader wants to reward her for doing "Second Mile Service", they will be unable to issue it because the point system is intended to count-up and would not go into the negative values. Alternatively, the Leader can give Mary 10 Moola bucks, which will still give her that positive feedback without it being attached to infractions. 

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