Default Layout Times
Default layout times are when OneClickApp automatically generates a layout for you every day.
You'll be able to update them here.
Default Layout Time Strategy
The “default layout time strategy” is how OneClickApp knows what times to generate layouts for your store automatically. In one of the latest releases, we added the capability to automatically generate setups based on the day of the week to help you better adapt to different situations.
“Global List” Strategy
If you were onboarded before May 2024, you will most likely be on the “Global List” Strategy configuration. This means that no matter what day of the week or your setup times are, OneClickApp will generate one set of default layouts every day.
“Setup Times” Strategy
If you were onboarded after May 2024, you most likely use the “Setup Times” Strategy configuration. OneClickApp will look at your “Setup Times” for each day individually and automatically generate a layout for each time.
For example: If I had setup times for every day at 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 and had setups at 3:00, 4:00, and 6:00 on Monday, only
You would see layouts automatically generated for 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 on every day of the week except for Monday.
On Monday, OneClickApp automatically generates layouts for 3:00, 4:00 and 6:00
How Do I Change Strategies?
If you have access to the layout editor, go there now.
Click on the “Manage Templates /Structures” button
and then find the “Default Layout Times Strategy” section.
This section will tell you your current strategy and allow you to change it.
If you need help switching, know which Layout Strategy to use, or have any other reason, please contact support.