Managing Development Passports (Training & Leadership)

Learn how to edit the highly configurable Passports to match the unique needs of your restaurant

What's Changed Recently?

Prior to February 2024, individuals with access to edit the passports also had the ability to edit titles of the passports. This access has been removed because it usually leads to additional confusion as passports 

Passport Organization Overview

Development Passport is the set of all the requirements an individual needs to complete in order to advance. Passport Items each represent a single requirement and keep track of the status as well as the information about who completed the item, and when. Items can be organized into Sections. All of the items (in all of the sections) in a passport must be completed before the passport can be completed.

Therefore, passports serve as a way to transparently communicate to all team members the requirements to move up in the organization. They provide stability and consistency in the way your team is managed. They also empower individual team members know (and meet) all the requirements so they can learn a new skill or gain the next promotion.

Key Idea: Development Passports track the progress of an individual towards a new position or role within the organization

Training vs Leadership Passports

There are two different kinds of Passports, and each is managed differently. These are the two different kinds:

  • Training Passports track progress towards proficiency in a Training Position
  • Leadership Passports track progress towards a new Leadership Role (which may adjust permission level within the app)

Let's talk about each of these separately.


Training Passports



Legacy:Screenshot of a few Training Passports for Ezra. They show some progress made already.

Training Passports represent progress toward a new training position in the restaurant. Each of these passports is inherently linked to a training position; adding and removing a training position will also add or remove the corresponding passport. The order of these passports is controlled by the order of the training positions. Since there are separate FOH and BOH training positions, there are also separate FOH and BOH training passports.

While every training position automatically has a training passport as well, these default to the "inactive state." The passports for each training position are managed separately from the position itself. Because the training passports are tightly connected to the training positions, trainers can submit ratings and view existing training ratings (when allowed to by the permissions) from within the passports.

What are "Training Positions?" These "Training Positions" are the set of positions that trainers can rate employee on. Learn more about customizing Training Positions.

Note: Adding and removing a training position will also add or remove the corresponding passport.


Leadership Passports




Screenshot of the default Leadership Passports. Some progress has been made on the "Team Member" passport.

Leadership Passports represent progress towards a new leadership role and its corresponding set of permissions within OneClickApp. Each of these passports is inherently linked to a permission set in the entire business; adding or removing a permission set also adds and removes the corresponding leadership passport. The order of these passports is controlled by the order of the leadership roles. Just as permission sets are shared between all teams of the business (FOH, BOH, Delivery, etc...), leadership passports are also shared among all teams of the business. 

Properly understood, this system allows a large team to be managed together. Different teams (FOH & BOH) can have unique requirements corresponding to their unique positions, and the whole restaurant can have a set of shared requirements that anyone from any team could follow to progress along the leadership path.

What are the "Leadership Roles?" They are the same as the Permission Roles configured in the restaurant. Learn more about Configuring Permissions Settings. Note that the linked article discusses a table of permissions settings; there is a leadership passport for each column in the table, and adding a leadership passports requires adding a column to the table.

Note: Leadership passports are also shared among all teams of the business. Changing one will affect both the FOH and the BOH.


Other Passport Type

We do not currently support any other types of passports. We only support passports linked to Training Positions or Leadership Positions.

Tip: Submit your vote for new features on our Idea Board!


Side-by-Side Comparison

Feature Training Passports Leadership Passports
Linked to Training Positions Permission (Leadership) Roles
Separate FOH & BOH Yes. Just as each Team has it's own training positions, they each have their own training passports too. No. These are shared between the all Teams just like the permissions
Can add & delete Yes, by adding/deleting training positions Yes, by adding/deleting permission roles
Can reorder Yes, by reordering the training positions Yes, by reordering the permission roles
Can edit the content Yes, directly Yes, directly


Published vs Inactive Passports

Passports are either "published" or "inactive." You can easily change this status in the Passport Manager.

How Do I Edit Passports?

Only leaders with permission can edit passports. While this rule can be configured, the default requires a "Manager" or higher to edit the passports. See Configurable Permission Settings (Manage Passports) for more details. The rest of this section assumes you have access to this permission.

Passport Content

You have access to edit any of the content of any passport. Simply open it up and begin changing the editable fields.

Editing Development Passports is very similar to editing Checklists. They use many of the same controls, and many of the same features are available on passports just as they are in checklists. The key difference is that passports are designed to apply to each of the employees in your restaurant individually; this makes them a good method of distributing information and ensuring that everyone in the restaurant has completed it.

Passport Titles

Our support team can help you change the titles of passports. Contact them at

Despite the closing linking between passports and the positions or roles they represent, changing the title of a training position or a leadership role will not change the title of the passport as well. Usually, our support team will handle this for you, but if something needs to be adjusted, just reach out.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

"Important Note" Message

Important Note
For the time being, only edit one passport at a time and make sure that only one device is making edits. Any unsaved changes will be lost when changes are made.

This has been displayed in the past, and it still holds true. Currently, due to technical limitations, if you attempt to edit the passports on two different devices at the same time, one of the devices will overwrite any changes that you had been making on the other device.

To avoid any problems related to this, just make sure to save often and only try to edit the passports on one device at a time.

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