Training and Ratings

What is the rating system? How do we use it? What benefits does it provide?

How does the OneClick rating system help the team?

  • Leaders see the overview of the team member proficiency level
  • Make plans to help team members progress
  • Track the skills of new hires
  • Shift Leaders view the skills of team members they don't know well when making a setup
  • OneClick can use training information to auto-schedule a draft setup

When a team member is rated more than once in a single position, can the displayed rating be the average instead of the most recent rating?

Yes. The default behavior averages of the most recent ratings and ratings further in the past are weighted less in the average. Feel free to also access the historical record of all ratings and any rating notes.

Why does anyone above Team Member permission automatically gets a 4-star rating?

OneClick assumes that all leaders have been trained on all positions and it automatically displays a four-start rating for all their rating positions. If the rating on specific positions should be higher or lower, manually entering a rating will override the assumed rating.

What do gray rating circles mean?

The rating system works as a progression system with the easiest positions on the left and the more difficult positions on the right. When a team member is rated in a more difficult position before an easier position, the system assumes they would have the same rating in the easier position and marks it with a gray rating. This can be overridden by entering a rating specifically for that position. Alternatively, OneClick Support can disable the assumed rating feature.

What do red vs blue rating circles mean?

The red circle represents below average on that position. Where a blue circle represents above average. Just like the gray circles the dark versions show they have been rated where the light shows our system assumes. 

In this example Cash Cart is rated at a 2.6. Shakes is assumed at that same rating. Where Window was rated at 4.5 rating. 

Video demos with the following information:

How to Rate a Team Member:

  • Employee Preview
  • Rating Prompts
    • Speed Rating
    • Normal Rating
  • From the Employee Profile Tab


More in depth of training: 


The following is a transcript of the video generated by a computer. The wording may be different.


[00:05] So, there are multiple ways to rate someone. The easiest way is to find them on the layout here and you can either hold left click on them or you can still right click on them. This will bring up that person's kind of mini profile. You can then click on the position that you want to rate them on. In this case we're going to rate it on window and then I can see, okay, I'm going to rate a three on speed. And you can see how each of these update based on what stars they are. Once you do all of that, it'll then update based on what that is. You can write a comment or you cannot. In this case I'll just hit submit. You can see here how I only did it on window, putting her at a five. In this case for Addison, it's showing that it's blue and gives a star because she has a five star. But it's also looking and doing the same thing for IPOS. It's gray because we're not a hundred percent sure. But we're going to take a wild guess that if you're pretty decent at window, you're also pretty decent at IPOS.

[01:14] Now she has a training or a rating on front counter of a three. Now if she didn't have this, all of these would be the five. But because we do have this, it only does the one and then does everything else at that three, front counter is there because that's what's been rated. But if I can go onto her profile and hit on ratings, I can see that rating history. So, you can see here how I just did this one in December today. But James did it in back in July on front counter. So, you can see that, “Oh, she's probably improved since then”, and so I could go in and click on this and then update her that way. So, that way she can be more appropriate, or not appropriate, more accurate.

[02:04] The other cool thing that you can do is you can find them doing this search function in the people. And so, I can search based off of who's my best runner, or I can click it again to see who's my worst runner, in this case Ethan is, so I could go in and find a trainer that's probably down here like Kent and say, “Hey Kent, you are a really good person at running, let's have you train Ethan” as the example. The other way to do it is the rating prompts. So, you can see here how Emmy, I think that's how you saying her name, or actually here, has never been on outside expo because she's a new recruit, being saying that she's a new employee. So, we could rate her on that after we watch what she does. All of these ones in blue they're on that position for the first time. So, Eli here is this first time on dining room. How did he do? Did he did good, did he do bad? And I can rate them right here.

[03:11] These ones are missing, saying that they're those gray circles that we saw before. So, in this case, if we put Addison, that we rated on window, if we put her on IPOS, this would update to have that missing, because we don't know for sure, but we have a decent rating on what that is. If low rating is seen, Allie has improved since the three months that we rated her on register. So, we could improve her, has she improved since then? And then all of these ones are saying, “Hey, we have a pretty decent score, but they were rated two years ago or a year ago. Let's see if they've changed. Let's see if they've updated.” So, we could do that individually, or if we know, “Hey, they're pretty decent, like they're not the best, but they're pretty good, especially for newer stores”, I can hit the speed ratings. And what that does is it speed rates all of them to be a level three. So, that way I still have that data in there.

[04:23] So, if we go and find Addison, the one that we just rated here, I rated it on a speed rating and the idea is to do it quickly. And so, that way we don't have to waste so much time doing it, but I know, “Hey, she's pretty decent at that, that's why I put her on the lineup.” So, you can now how there's only one on there for that low rating because I did all of that. So, if I go to the four o'clock, there's no ratings there because I had done everything, but if I put someone there, this, obviously Abigail hasn't been done on register, but we're missing that rating. And so, that's why that's there.


File: Training and Ratings 2



[00:05] Now that leads us to the next one, major release as well, which is improvement the ratings, and would love to see that.



[00:13] So, improvement on the ratings. Let me show you this. We did two major things. We made the rating accessible now right from the app, right here. So, you don't have to go into an employee profile and dig through the menus anymore. Now what we can do is we can on a computer, I can right click or on an iPad, you can press and hold and it's going to bring up this new employee profile or this improved employee preview modal. This is now accessible, anybody can access this. And what it includes are the training scores, right? So, previously this information wasn't here, but now it's right at your fingertips. All you have to do is right click, press and hold and you're going to be able to see this employee preview. And then of course, based on the permissions, if you're a trainer or if you have permissions to write ratings, then you'll be able to do that as well, and will be able to click on shakes and will be able to write a rating for Ryker on shakes right here. And we can go through and give her— She did really well today, and give her four stars and click submit. And that's going to update immediately, right? So, it's going to update immediately. It's now going to show shakes and all the things. And that's one super way easy way to just do ratings wherever you want.

[01:25] Alison, you want to rate Alison, you want to rate Alison, fine you can do that. And there's actually a special mode too, Mike, where sometimes you look at the screen and there's like a lot of information here and you just kind of want the system to say, “Hey, just do this one”, like if you want a little prompt, “where should I get started?” Like, “where should I even start with the ratings?” Well, that's what this one is. These are called rating prompts and they're available at the top of the screen, and when you open it up the system will go through and analyzes the employees on the shift and analyzes the data that it already has, and then based on that says, “Hey, I have some data, but I don't have this data, so why don't you tell me how good Ethan is at mobile bagger?” Or “I have some data, but Katie was last rated three years ago. That's a really long time ago. Why don't you give me some new data and say, is she still really good? Has she gotten better?” And in this case, I might say, “Yeah, actually she has gotten better. It's been five years or three years, but we're going to go and give her fives now because she actually is a rockstar and she she's a rockstar and we trust her to work the rushes”. I’ll just go ahead and submit that right there.

[02:41] So, this is a major new way to do ratings. This is going to be the easiest way to write writings anywhere. Nothing, nothing is going to be simpler than this. It just can't, it can't get simpler than this from here, Mike.



Just going down the list, which is awesome.



Just going down the list. It's literally right there.



[02:56] Which leads me to, I mean, I wish people would understand how critical it is that you— To actually use the training module, how important it is to be able to make good, wise decisions as to who you're going to put where. And now you have the single OneClick option for the system to actually help you with that and save you tons of time. If you can save your leaders, you know, a few hours a week from having to manage the schedules and they can actually spend that time in giving better customer service, getting more people through the drive-through, doing everything other than trying to mess— With trying to put people in the right place, then that's a huge win, right?



[03:45] Yeah. Or Mike, another thing here is this is like, I'm just trying to imagine myself, if I were a training manager, how hard would it be for me to teach somebody else how to do this? Right? Click the rating prompts, click the rating, do the rating. With some of our stores, they're experiencing turnover in their trainers, they're experiencing turnover over their employees, and that positions OneClick in a pretty good place to be like, “Hey, if people are changing, leaders are changing. But at least we have something that's holding constant, and it's so simple and so easy.” Like, I just have to give it to them, and most people will be able to figure this out on their own.



[04:23] Before we move on, could you go to the training interface and I want to— If we can show them what the grayed out stars are and what and why they're important.



[04:35] Why they're important. So, yeah, so here on the training, this is called the training dashboard, and not everybody has access to view this. This is reserved for trainers or leaders. We can adjust who exactly has access to this. But what I want to point out here is that there's a mechanism built into OneClick that makes ratings count for more than— It takes a little bit of data and it makes it count for more. And so, when it's set up and when it's organized properly, we'll see here that when we rated Ryker on shakes, we gave him a rating on shakes and we said that he's a four, and OneClick is going to assume that he's good at the other positions as well. And what that does is that saves us, me human, right? From having to go into every single one of these little boxes and giving Ryker a rating on every single position.

[05:25] And that is so valuable, right? If we're talking systems, if we're talking how do I just get up and going as fast as I can? Or what's the smallest thing I can do to make a difference? Well, this mechanism of assuming ratings has been designed and it leverages— I mean, it leverages the way that the training works. So, that with just one, I can say “He’s learned shakes and also he learned window too”, and we assume he knows window, and if he knows how to do shakes, then he also knows how to do IPOS. And in fact, in this case another trainer gave him a rating on IPOS, but they didn't give him a rating on front counter. And that's okay, they're just saving time, right? That's time they probably spent smiling at guests and refreshing their beverages, right? And help them come back another time.



[06:04] That's excellent. And just, so as long as everybody's aware that the grade at ones are assumptions, but they're great assumptions based on their performance in other areas. So, they can make better informed decisions to be able to put these people in the right places. I think that's fantastic.



[06:21] And again, the thing with the assumption, if you want to go ahead and if you want to spend the time and put in extra data and override it with something else, you can do that. It's just an assumption. And when you tell it something, it goes with that instead.


That’s incredible.