On this page, you can find the most up-to-date version information for OneClick.
Version 4.2.4 and later
Go to the change log.
Version 4.2.2
Hotfix, mobile IOS can close the navigation bar without needing to turn the phone.
Version 3.11.2
Hotfix, fixing the permission for passports, not letting team members see the passports.
Version 4.2.0
More user-friendly error messages in the layout editor - Highlight the template, positions and fields that are causing errors when dealing with duplicated position names
Toggle to the legacy code - a toggle button to the old design (3.11.1) version for users who don’t want to make the switch.
Confirm dialogs boxes for when you delete things - Asks the user before certain destructive actions (such as deleting/resetting a checklist or passport) are taken in the app.
Include announcement banners above the checklists screen.
Version 4.1.0
Waste Management - Added a new section to the app to record and track wasted, donated and sampled products.
New design code - Major redesign of the look and feel of the app.
Opening indicator - Added an opening indicator to a Team Member’s card in the roster if the shift starts early enough.
Area selector change - change area selector to a dropdown as part of the redesign.
Break manager toggle - Toggle breaks manager on and off in the roster
Version 3.11.1
Toggle to new design (4.0 and on) using the button in the roster. Available in both mobile and web versions.
Billing Portal Permission level added, so that customers can designate who has access.
Version 3.10.1
Passports are now embedded directly in the employee profile
Resolve an issue that would return to the profile screen when switching between FOH/BOH
Resolve an error raised when attempting to edit infractions
Other internal adjustments and improvements
Version 3.10.0
Signatures in Infractions
- Encourage leader discussions with team members and capture evidence of their infractions by having the team member provide a signature when infractions are received.
- You can access the accountability settings to configure whether the signatures are required, permitted, or hidden.
Updated Default Layout Times Behaviour
- Have you wanted to generate the layouts at 9 p.m. most days of the week but at 10 p.m. on the weekends?
- New options to the default layout times engine now allow these adjustments and more.
- You can learn about the new Layout Time Strategy in the Knowledge Base.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused passports to store completion timestamps incorrectly
- .Correct an issue calculating repetition dates for some monthly repeating checklists
- Address issues causing the total number of infraction points to misbehave
- Other internal adjustments and improvements.
Version 3.9.3
Links in the messaging open in a new tab.
Can add area-specific channels in messaging.
Version 3.9.2
The Leadership privacy section hides the PIN, also.
Permissions on the messaging feature were updated.
Version 3.9.0
Passport access from the profile.
Also, we now have a setting to let team members see only their passports, not their ratings.
Photo compression bug fixes
Version 3.8.3
Hot fix of App Loading Inconsistency with iOS versions. Please be on iOS version 15.5 or later so as not to see any errors.
Version 3.8.2
Service Account Setting Changes
While the default service account used to have permissions matching a team leader, the new defaults are restricted to those of a team member. Use the Sign-In Pins to access leader tools.
Several permissions were removed, including the following:
- Edit Layouts
- Run breaks
- View notes
- And more…
Read more about this: Changes to Service Account Permissions
Improved Leadership Privacy
Team Members can only see the contact information inside OneClick for other team members in their permission level or lower.
Messaging Phase 1 (let us know if you want to try it out)
- Send text, photos, gifs, videos, and emojis.
- Able to react to messages
- Able to pin messages
- Create channels based on specific team members
- Create channels based on specific roles (team lead, director…)
- Improved support for breaks in New York
- Improved user management when first signing up
- Ability to choose photos from the device gallery in checklists & passports
- Support for Android “back” button
- App screen access
Corrections and Fixes
- The “New Checklist” Banner is fixed and improved
- Duplicating structure inside the layout editor
- Optimized experience when adjusting days of the week in the layout editor
- Creating or editing a shift on a Mac
- Upload a photo from the photo gallery on mobile
- Many other internal corrections and improvements
Version 3.8.0
- View the current ratings and rating history for employees inside their passport!
- Stamping a passport complete requires all of the following to be met:
- Passport is complete
- Rated a 3 or above
- Can’t already be stamped
- When you click on a position in the profile the rating history will filter to only show that position history. (video here)
Layout Editor
Bulk Edit Property
You can now see the properties you need to edit on the position. This way you don’t don’t have to look at each position to see what the property is and can edit it in one place.
Items you can see this way include:
- Title
- Width
- Height
- Max number
- Min number
- Render and Invisible
- Training Positions
- Leadership Positions
- Priority (*This one to setup the Auto Schedule)
- Job Title
Adjust Days of the Week
You can have layouts based on the day of the week. For example, Monday you only need 20 team members where Friday you need 40. You can now have the layout reflect that.
You can see how to do it here
Day Note Collaboration
- Advanced conflict management when multiple people edit day notes simultaneously.
- Day notes update in real time as the notes are written.
- Added "Four Month" option to accountability settings by default.
- Updated default settings for layouts, progressions, and permissions.
- Fixed issues with structure name updates.
- Resolved an issue where FOH config settings were provided for BOH contexts, and vice versa.
- Unblocked the use of custom accountability durations for some leaders.
- Improved responsiveness of the app to "changes available" prompt.
- Fixed layouts that refused to decline layout upgrades.
- Made "Important Note" message in the checklist and passport editors friendlier.
Future Note
Read these notes again by clicking on the version number at the bottom of the Roster:
Version 3.7.5
- An issue that prevented custom infraction durations from applying properly when the issuing leader didn't have certain permissions.
- Thanks to Tucker from Colorado Springs, CO for reporting this issue.
- Issues with the DayNotes not updating properly on changes. This prevented them from being effective since they weren't actually showing up for customers.
Thanks to Daniel from Pottstown, PA, and Kelsie from Moultrie, GA for reporting this issue.
Version 3.7.4
- Provide the option to configure default leadership passports. (ex: Team Member)
- Display images inside of checklists properly.
Version 3.7.3
- The “Revert to Defaults” option on the passports now properly reads in the configured defaults.
- This affects mainly our beloved beta users who originally tested these features on older versions, and would now hope to access our improved content in the passports.
- This also expands the coverage of our default passports so more training positions have meaningful values.
Version 3.7.2
- A loophole that allowed leaders to change the name of template passports before they had even started using them. When this occurred, the passports would essentially break because of the incomplete data received.
- As part of this release, we are also verified that all accounts are in a working state, even if they had walked through this loophole before it was closed.
Version 3.7.1
- A passport issue which would appear to duplicate some of the passports
Version 3.7.0
Advanced Checklist Input
- Available in Checklists and Passports
- Request any of the following data types:
- Photos
- Signatures
- Numbers and text fields
- Checkboxes
- Checklists can be previewed to see what it will look like before publishing
Additional contact info
- Emergency Contact info
- Work Anniversary
- Birthday
Profile Pictures!
- Team members can upload their own profile pictures, and leaders can manage them on behalf of the team
- Copy and Paste passports between options (passport manager)
- Provide default passport content for each position with links to pathway 2.0 resources (passport manager)
- View the name and time that each item in the passport was completed.
- Hold leaders accountable for teaching certain topics in the onboarding experience of a new team member, and hold team members accountable for practicing the principles they were taught.
- Revert Passport progress to enable testing
- Changes now reflect in the app when they are made remotely!
- Rather than directly saving copies of each passport, we are referencing a single source of truth to keep track of which tasks exist, while each employee stores the map of PassportItemIds that have been completed.
- Rather than storing each PassportBooklet as a separate document, we opted to batch them together. All the PassportBooklet's for an employee are stored in a single document. We had to update our systems to respond to the nested nature of these booklets living inside of a given document.
- It's like sending an entire mail bag of letters to a station via train. The mail department at the train station then has to sort the mail to send it to the appropriate households/mail routes.
- While it seems that this should be a straightforward feature, it is made complicated because of the fancy techniques used with the passports. Namely:
- Add "Create Checklist" banner in Checklist Manager
- Remove list formatting
- Available while pasting into checklist headers, section titles, and tasks
- Available when pasting into the list of drop down options (an advanced input type)
- Expanded functionality to clean up lists of items as they are pasted into OneClickApp
- Remove MooLa budget from leaders by "adjusting" the budget with a negative value
- Issues with the Checklist manager
Version 3.5.2
Layout Revision History
- Anytime the leaders move or adjust shifts, the action is logged in a history form
- Any system actions are also captured from deep within the system and logged
- This will help us track down any resetting layouts that you may be experiencing
Version 3.5.1
Watch the video overview:
Accountability Notifications
- Team members are now notified when they receive an infraction
- This will help spread the word in the restaurant of the consequences of particular actions.
- Championed by: Tatum at CFA West Jackson Avenue - Oxford, MS #02320
Custom Shift Reversion
- Shift adjustments can be fully and properly reverted
- Employee shift history can be viewed for multiple days in the past
- Requested by Karen from CFA University Place - Charlotte, NC #04278
- MooLa "budget" limits can now be negatively adjusted
- Display the Infraction Duration values on the settings screen before opening the modal.
- Fixed: An issue caused when attempting to create a PIN that already exists.
Version 3.4.0
Watch the video intro
Idea Portal
- Existing Customers are invited to contribute their ideas and vote on existing ideas on our new Idea Portal.
- This is also the mechanism by which we'll give you early access to certain features.
Paste Lists of Items
- When editing checklists, easily paste in any of the following the create the tasks:
- A bulleted list
- A range of cells from a Google™ Sheet
- A single row of multiple columns from a spreadsheet
- Multiple lines of text from a Word™ Document
- Use keyboard shortcuts to simplify the process of editing checklists
- Up & Down arrows operate as expected
- Enter to move the next task
- Delete/Backspace to delete characters, or merge this task into the previous task
- Internal tools now keep track of which features are used so that we can better serve our customers.
- We expect these new tools to give us insight into the things our users actually do with the app.
- No updates were made to our privacy policy, but it is still in force.
Version 3.3.2
Watch the video overview!
Mobile App modifications
- The beta version of our mobile app is now launched on the native app stores!
- We have adjusted and cleaned up many views to optimize for small screens
Freemium Plan
- Access a limited version of OneClickApp, without a trial expiration
- Checklists - schedule recurring task lists for teams to complete
- Accountability, all of the current features
Access archived employees
- Choose the "View Archived" option on the Staff list
- This is available to Directors only
- Links now send customers to the free trial form instead of directly to the create a business form
- Standardized employee interaction with MooLa in the Employee Profile pages
- Replaced shifts can be restored via the upcoming shifts component
Version 3.3.0
Edit Infractions
- Infractions can now be edited by managers and above if needed.
- The manager can even make the infraction have no effect on the employee by setting the expiration of the infraction to zero.
- This preserves the history of the infraction without directly affecting the team member's score.
Checklist Review Comments
- Checklists now sport an open comment box for a leader to provide comments about the cleanliness or timeliness of a list.
- (We are working on proper support for number inputs, text inputs, and long answer options.)
- Requested by Bob Boynton, at CFA Worcester - Worcester, MA #03719.
- Until we provide proper support for more advanced features, this can also be used to record the temperature of refrigerators, the number of fry boxes in the freezer, or any other question you may ask.
- This comment box auto-saves so you won't lose your progress!
- Because this is part of the Checklist Review sequence, it does require Team Leader access to edit the review box by default.
New Shift Indicators
View the legend of all the information presented on the Shift Card:
Training Shift indicators
- Highlights the individuals scheduled for training shifts
- This is determined based on the schedule, job code, and location field of the shift.
- Any shift on the Training Schedule
- Any In Training or Trainer shift
- Any shift with a location field that contains any of the following words:
- Train
- reps
- learn
- study
- practice
- The following shifts will be marked as training, by default:
- We can customize and adjust these to match the scheduling practices of your restaurant. Send us an email to configure these more precisely at Support@OneClickApp.com.
Closing Shift indicators
- These are displayed on all of an employee's shifts when the employee is scheduled after the restaurant's closing time.
- Will help leaders plan for the closing time by distributing key closers throughout the restaurant.
- Currently, most restaurants are configured to close at 10pm. OCA Support specialists can help configure this setting to other values. Additionally, before this feature goes live to production, we will include options to configure the closing time on an individual restaurant basis.
- Initially, this will not vary based on the day of the week. We are aware that some restaurants close at different times on different days of the week, and we will keep that in mind as we build the customization pages for this feature.
- While these indicators will be fairly obvious at the end of the night, they will be extra insightful when displayed during the afternoon hours because they will highlight those team members who are working long shifts.
- If a team member works in the morning, and then closes later that night, the indicator will also appear on both shifts. Give that team member a hand (and maybe a break) for working so much!
- Checklists can now be reviewed before they are entirely complete.
Version 3.2.1
- An issue that prevented switching between FOH and BOH Teams
- In some cases, the FOH Layouts have been found to show with the BOH roster (the wrong set of employees). This could have happened before the issue was fixed.
- To resolve this issue, click the blue “Update All Layouts” button at the bottom of the roster.
Version 3.2.0
- Track Accumulating Points: Keep track of infraction points issued to team members and penalties triggered for accumulating points.
- Easy Issue Infraction form accessible from the Employee Preview modal, or from the Employee Profile screen.
- Points received stay on the record for a quarter
- Penalties are displayed for individual employees
- The accumulated infraction points are provided on the Training Dashboard, along with the New Points received in the most recent two weeks. This can help managers keep tabs on people who have recently received infractions.
- View Accountability Story:
- View the accountability story including the history of all infractions received.
- Accountability Settings: Managers in the restaurant can edit and customize the kinds of infractions issued, and the penalties associated with different point values.
- Default infraction longevity
- Amount of time that infractions count as "new" on the Training Dashboard
- Infraction: Control the names, point values, and longevity of each infraction type
- Penalties: Control the names, and threshold values for each penalty type
- General: Control...
- Remove the "Finish All" button from checklists
- Requested by Bob Boynton, at CFA Worcester - Worcester, MA #03719.
- This addresses a concern where team members, especially teenagers, may find the shortest way possible to finish a list, potentially shortcutting the actual work of the tasks.
- This is a change in default configuration. We can easily turn this feature back on upon request for an individual restaurant.
Version 3.0.1
New Recruit Flag
- Green sprouts indicate that a New Recruit has joined the team recently. This flag will stay on the shift card for a period of time and then be gone.
- By default, it will stay with an employee for two weeks, though this time frame can be adjusted however you wish
Rating Prompt Notifications
- Point out meaningful circumstances to write ratings.
- The exact behavior of which circumstances trigger notifications can be customized completely
- We can include or exclude from the notification any combination of the circumstances that trigger a rating prompt.
Speed Ratings
- New utility makes it trivially easy for managers to mark who knows what in the restaurant.
- While it’s still easy to create a rating from the Rating Prompts panel, it’s now super fast to add data to one’s account. This can be used to acknowledge those “Not Trained On…” prompts, and make the data closer to the actual state in the restaurant. We expect this to empower Trainers and Training Managers to stay focused on the most important parts of their role which is to coach and lift and inspire other leaders in the restaurant.
- This is not intended to replace any of the existing ways of submitting ratings, but it will give a good head start on filling in the data.
- Permissions required: Available to managers and above, by default.
- Service Accounts can now view Ratings and view HS notes by default.
- If your restaurant would like for these features to behave differently, just let us know on our website.
- Recent changes to the Roster View on the phones removed too much information. It’s back now!
- Layout Editor didn't properly change the version numbers which meant that structures wouldn't update automatically.
- This issue has been addressed going forward, and we’ll make sure that any changes created before this fix still become effective.
- Previously, all the employees would be marked as New Recruits when a restaurant first signed up with OneClickApp. This behavior has been addressed to track when team members actually started at the restaurant.
Known Issues
- Currently, the first time individuals log into OneClickApp, the site doesn’t load properly. Reloading the app resolves the issue, and then no further issues arise. We’ll continue working to resolve this pain point.
Version 3.0.0
- Layout Editor
- The new Editor features a save button that is easy to find!
- It also simplifies the process of changing the layouts at different hours of the day. Visualize and interact with the “Layout Structures” under the hood much more intuitively.
- New - Adjust default layout times
- New - Additional options for create spacer positions to fine tune layouts
- Improved - Simplified controls.
- Changed - Autoschedule now disabled by default as it requires additional set up to work most effectively. Schedule time with a support technician to set things up properly and enable this advanced feature: OneClickApp.com/support-calendar.
- “Add Layout” button auto suggests most used layout times
- Easier to read roster view on phone sized devices.
- Suggested by Arturo Pardo, a BOH employee in CFA Delta Shores
New small screen roster view |
Old small screen roster view |
- Checklists
- New - Drag-n-drop re-ordering of Tasks and sections in Checklist Manager
- New - Automatic filtering and sorting of checklists & shifts as appropriate
- New - Checklists sync with time selector in top bar
- New - Checklist notifications
- Improved - Drag-n-drop team members on Checklist titles
- Rebuilt internal structure allows for more future development
- Upgraded to Layout Generation v2 which is machine friendly
- Added support for more in-app banners with special purposes
- Upgraded all our dependencies to the latest version
Future Note
Read these notes again by clicking on the version number at the bottom of the Roster:
Version History
Version 2.25.11
- Renamed Store → Restaurant throughout the app.
- Thanks to the operators at the Washington DC Operators Conference for teaching us about the proper terminology.
- The word “restaurant” shares a root with the word to “restore.” Chick-fil-A restaurants restore energy to the soul and peace to the mind. This is a much higher vision than simply vending an item when someone asks for it, or putting up walls of items for people to peruse through and buy occasionally. Chick-fil-A’s are in the business of restoring people to their best self. This is well summarized by the Chick-fil-A corporate purpose: “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”
- Fixed an issue where u. shifts controlled the layout in some conditions
- Fixed an issue that prevented operators without OneClick accounts from authorizing VendorBridge
- Fixed an issue that prevented ratings from being submitted
Version 2.25.7
- VendorBridge integration banners show positive verification of status
- Improved CFA Integration page
- Bugs copying layouts between different hours of the day
- Fix using u. schedules with VendorBridge
Version 2.25.6
- Employee contact information displays correctly
Version 2.25.5
- VendorBridge integration is here! A bright and bold banner prompts all stores to migrate to this new connection by the end of October, 2022.
- Shift assignment shows error messages (with action buttons!). Messages now indicate why some shift assignments were not allowed, and the shift will be returned back to the place it came from, rather than being deleted.
- This means we can soon start enforcing training requirements so that shift leaders are blocked from placing employees in positions they haven’t yet learned, when the training module is used.
- The action buttons make it easy to add the necessary training data to assign an individual to a position, or give them the leadership roles required to be in a new role.
- We anticipate enabling the enforcement of these rules after time has been allowed to update the data.
- These new features may expose ways that the settings in the store are not set up quite right. Great! Let’s fix it! Schedule a free make-over with our customer success team by visiting: OneClickApp.com/support-calendar
- Requested by: CFA Brentwood - Brentwood, TN #01594
- Bug fixes and improvements
Version 2.25.4
- The General Feedback button has been restored!
Version 2.25.3
- Chick-fil-A VendorBridge integration: Request SchedulesAPI access
- OC Push: Improved accessibility (experimental feature)
Version 2.25.2
OneClick Push
- Includes a simple mechanism to securely upload data to OneClick
- More robust leadership status calculation
- Shift Leaders can now edit the shift notes by default
- Add a logout button to the "No Permission" screen
- Layout stability between versions
Version 2.25.1
- Rating forms had been hiding the “Submit Rating” button on some devices.
- The Roster had been appearing to come in from the left.
- Note: These changes are not present in the BETA version of OneClick.
Version 2.25.0
Dragging behavior
- Swipe vertically to scroll
- Swipe horizontally to drag
- Long press to open up the Employee Preview Modal
Improved access to ratings forms
- Write ratings from the Employee Preview modal (long press on any shift card to access)
- Write ratings from the Rating Prompts screen (Tap on the “Rating Prompts” button to access)
VendorBridge login flow
- Added support for this authorization type
- Created additional customization options:
- Requested by: CFA University Place - Charlotte, NC #04278
- Requested by: CFA University Place - Charlotte, NC #04278
- Requested by: CFA The Crossing At Katy Fulshear - Katy, TX #03795
- The rating history of employees can now be viewed further in the past.
- Options to put a custom placeholder in the rating comment form (useful for creating rating templates)
- New default behavior shows the timestamp of ratings as the date of submission.
- Added additional options for configuring the processing of Location Fields from HotSchedules
- Disabled the Rating Preview by default
- Behavior of the app on tablet sized devices in landscape mode
- The roster will share the space with the position board instead of covering it up when the screen is large enough to do so.
- Replaced an accidental change with the Modal behavior for Paid Breaks customers
- Entering duplicated employee PINs is now blocked.
- Helpful messages to discover who has the duplicated PINs are shown when managers run into the issue.
Version 2.24.3
- Checklists have graduated into the public beta.
- Please continue sending us your feedback about the checklist features to dev@oneclickapp.com.
- Join the public beta test by switching to beta.OneClickApp.com.
- Reach out for help getting started at OneClickApp.com/support. We want to make the transition easy for you!
- Layout Editor is now available in public beta.
- Edits to the Layouts affect blocks of times called “Structures”
- Edits will not be automatically reflected on “TODAY”’s layouts, but they will appear on days after today.
- For other shifts in the future, the layouts will attempt to update safely. If any shift information will be lost because of the changes, then a warning message will be given. If declined, the update can be manually applied later.
- Manually apply layout updates by clicking “Update Layout” or “Update All Layouts”
- All the same notes about feedback, access, and support apply from above.
- Make sure to learn these things:
- Create repeating schedules for the checklists
- Choose between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options.
- Daily: Every day
- Weekly: Repeat on multiple days of the week, at a certain frequency.
- Monthly: Choose between repeating based on a) the number of workdays since from the beginning or end of the month, OR b) the first and third Friday, etc of the month.
- Clean up the checklist views on small screens.
- Layout Editor allows the minNumber field to be set as high as the area of the position.
- The Checklist editor allows long item titles to be used.
- View on iPads in landscape mode has been corrected. It now shares the roster space more intelligently.
Version 2.24.2
- Corrected: Checklist management algorithms are now prepared to handle changes of all kinds while preserving data.
- Improved: “Upgrade Checklists” button replaces the “Regenerate checklists” button and preserves task completion and assignment data while applying changes made in the checklist manager.
- A fully featured upgrade process automatically applies edits, warning of data loss before it occurs.
- As a safety precaution, it requires user interaction before automatically changing things TODAY. It will automatically upgrade changes after TODAY.
- New: Closing Playplace checklist template
- Other improvements
Version 2.24.1
New Features
Checklists available in Private BETA
- New Checklist Feature initial release
- View the tasks that need to be completed
- Task sort alphabetically, consider starting task name with a number to specify the order
- Drag-n-drop employees from their position assignment or from the roster to create checklist assignments
- Colored timestamps keep track of when each section and list was completed via a secure server timestamp
- Colored indicators reflect how much time is left to complete the list
- Checklist can be marked as “Reviewed” after a leader verifies that it’s done
- Also view the checklists that are coming up
- Icons indicate checklist completion status for individual employees. Leader can use this to make sure that employees have finished all their tasks before leaving at the end of the night.
- Yellow boxes indicate the number of uncompleted sections assigned to the individual
- Green checkmarks mean that the employee has finished all assigned sections
- Go BIG MODE and replace the position assignments (shown here with the Break Manager open in the roster).
- Built in permissions (all permission names may have been customized differently in your store, but the roles are configured like this):
- The Service Account (public devices in the store) can manage complete and uncomplete tasks
- Team Leaders and above can also manage task completion status
- Team Members cannot make/change checklist assignments
- When team members are assigned to a section, they can complete the tasks in those sections only. This allows employees to use their own devices to track their checklists.
- Team Leaders and above can review checklists once completed
- Checklist Manager – See below
- Note: As with all permission settings in OneClick, we can change these permission rules based on the specific needs of your restaurant.
- If interested in using the NEW Checklist feature, email support@OneClickApp.com with subject line: “Request access to Checklist Beta” for early access. Once the request has been received, we will coordinate a video call with you to train on the new feature and answer any questions you may have. Note that the feature may exhibit odd behavior or have bugs and your feedback and ideas are appreciated to help finish the development.
- New Checklist features visible in the right side menu:
- Checklist Manager
- Manage multiple checklists that repeat on a daily schedule
- Define the times of day that the checklist should be completed
- Organize the tasks into sections (each section can have 1 or more employees assigned to it)
- Who can use the manager? Only managers and above (or the equivalent as defined in your store’s configuration settings).
- Start with standard templates
- Edit the checklists in a draft phase before publishing them for use by the team
Layout Editor (Private BETA)
- Expanded roll-out of the Layout Editor
- See adjustments made without reloading the application (which previously was required).
- AutoExpanding notes boxes: Now your team can see everything written without scrolling!
- New AutoSchedule functionality: Based on the actual number of employees assigned to the shift, OneClick can keep track of which positions should be filled and automatically schedule them based on the training data.
- This behavior can be fine tuned and finessed by meeting with our team. Schedule a video call by visiting OneClickApp.com/support-calendar.
- Requested by: CFA Airport Highway - Holland, OH #03289.
- All this was autoschedule with our algorithms:
- Adjusted Rotating Buddy functionality: When people are paired together, the rotating timer now follows those people through all the layouts of the day
- Requested by: CFA White Oak & Ventura - Encino, CA #03773.
- Customize MooLa bills: Use custom images to represent the MooLa bills.
- Note: MooLa is currently in a limited roll-out phase.
- Requested by: CFA Glenwood Place - Atlanta, GA #03351
Version 2.23.1
- Fixed - Shift stats now correctly count all the employees working on the shift.
Version 2.23.0
- NEW - Unposted Shift viewing (video overview)
- Leaders with permission (defaults to manager and above) can draft setups with unposted schedules. Days w/ unposted schedules are marked with a “U” in the day selector and are visible only to those with permissions. They become visible to the rest of the team once the schedule is published in HotSchedules.
- NEW - Manually initiate sync with HotSchedules: Activate the button at the bottom of the roster to sync on demand, as often as every 5 minutes.
- NEW - Autoschedule shifts! (Video overview)
- Managers can use Auto Schedule to quickly create a setup while viewing the unposted schedules and identify holes in the gameplan.
- Shift leaders can use Auto Schedule as a starting place. Forget to do your setups in advance? OneClick will put something together for you, and you can tweak it from there.
- The new “Auto Schedule” button at the bottom of the roster will automatically assign the team members to positions based on their proficiency known from the ratings that have been entered.
- Aces in their places! This puts the best worker in each of the most important positions, and adjustments can be made from there by the leader on duty.
- Who will use this?
- The exact behavior of the algorithm can be adjusted in multiple ways:
- Schedule a time that works for you by visiting OneClickApp.com/support-calendar.
- Define the which positions are the most important that should be filled first
- Define the most important sets of positions that collectively need to be filled first, then prioritize other positions that are nice if you have enough people.
- Enable/disable flags to stop fulfilling at different points in the algorithm to give your leaders a say in the matter.
- The best way to dial in this functionality for your store is to meet with us, and we'll talk through all the details with you, making adjustments as we go.
- IMPROVED - Assumed ratings - OneClick assumes the training positions build on each other from left to right and that positions on the right are more difficult than those to the left of them. Based on this assumption, when a rating is entered for one position, the software will assume the same rating applies for positions to the left and this will be indicated with gray rating bubbles.
- Gray rating bubbles - Grey or light red rating bubbles show an assumed score for a team member based on their skill level for a difficult rating position in a column further to the right. This streamlines the effort it takes to set up the whole team with ratings by just entering the highest positions they currently work in.
- How does it work? OneClick is able to make a little information from the training team go a long way!
- If an employee is marked as a leader, it assumes that they have a certain level of proficiency in all the positions (level 4 by default). More precision can be added by adding entering specific ratings for each position, or can be skipped in favor of ease and speed.
- When an employee receives a rating in a particular position, OneClick assumes that they have the same score for positions below it, even when ratings haven’t been entered for the other positions.
- Assumed scores are displayed in light gray and in light red.
- Fixed - Shifts that spanned midnight, going into the next day now display and have breaks calculated correctly.
Version 2.22.0
New Features
Break Timing
- Break Manager + Break Timing Alerts: New alerts help leaders know when they need to send their team on break.
- Don’t be in the red, avoid being in the yellow on your shift– run breaks in the green!
- Sorting the shifts by the open and close of the break windows accurately gives shift leaders the next person who should go on break.
- Directors can rest assured that developing shift leaders have the tools they need to stay on top of the breaks for the day.
- Advanced Breaks Module: Provides the flexibility to configure the timing of any break within a shift by specifying the open and close of a given break window.
- Earliest and latest times that breaks should start relative to:
- The beginning or end of the shift,
- Defined in hours or as a percentage of the total shift
- Defining when the break should start, or end
- Manage the spacing between breaks so that employees don’t take all their breaks at once.
- Transition between Break Timing Alerts phases in minutes: green, yellow, orange, red colors.
- Customize any of the following:
- Reach out to us at Support@OneClickApp.com to set up these rules for your store.
- Base Package Only: The feature is still enabled in a limited state. By default, it provides a safety net to ensure that all breaks are finished at least 1 hour before the end of an employee's shift. This means it will usually show nothing.
- In the following screenshot, my clock reads 12:57pm, and each of the employees need to take a 30 minutes break.
- Take Jaden S for an example. His shift ends at 2pm. OneClick is configured by default to have him finish his breaks at least 1 hour before the shift ends, which is 1pm. Since his break is 30 minutes long, he needs to start his shift by 12:30pm. 12:30 was 27 minutes ago. Jaden will be working in the last hour of his shift.
- Take Kelsi L for an example. Her shift ends at 2:30pm. She needs to finish her break by 1:30pm, which means she needs to start her break by 1:00pm. 1pm is essentially right now. Kelsi should be sent on break immediately.
- Take Guadalupe P for an example. By the same math above, her break needs to start by 1:30. That’s still 33 minutes in the future so OneClick doesn’t provide any break timing alert.
Other Changes
- IMPROVED - Shift Stats!
- Now displays the number of minors on the shift.
- Improved “Working” calculations focus on who is on the shift by excluding call outs and people not assigned on the layout.
- ADJUSTED - Now the default permission to edit the break reports has been restricted to only Managers and above
- Other minor changes and improvements
Version 2.21.4
- New - Default score averaging: When multiple trainers leave ratings for the same employee in the same position, the different scores will be averaged together. This is an early version.
- By default, older scores will have a lower weight than more recent scores based on the number of weeks since. We can customize the weight average to also account for different permission levels of the submitters. As in, when Becca the training manager writes a rating, her feedback automatically trumps ratings left by the trainers by a given percentage.
- Credit: Drew at CFA Robson Crossing, Georgia #01225 for the request.
- New - Rating History Card: Now visualizes the subscores with stars and lists out the meaning of the assigned rating. Use this to better review what the trainers have been saying about a particular employee, and why a certain score was given.
- New - Export Training Button: Easily export the contents of the Training Dashboard to a “.csv” file.
- Fixed - Layout prefill: The layouts weren’t automatically prefilling information like the shift leader, and now they are.
Version 2.21.2
- Improved: Shifts prefilling into positions by Job Codes from HotSchedules
Version 2.21.1
- Improved: Shift filtering on the roster.
Version 2.21.0
New Features
- Rotation timers: Rotating Buddies now displays the time since the last rotation. Independent timers for each “set” allow shift leaders to ensure the team rotates as needed to better manage team members working in extreme weather.
- These features are included in the base “Shift Management package.” To request this functionality or update the rotating buddy positions submit a support request at oneclickapp.com/support-ticket.
- Break View: A new break view option showing an overview of all breaks is available with the “Advanced Breaks” add-on.
- This view shows team members at the top who have been working the longest without a break.
- Access by tapping the “Assigned Team Members” or “Unassigned Team Members” box to change the sort.
- Learn Screen: Understand better how OneClickApp works, if you’re nerdy like that ;) This button is targeted to shift leaders and managers who use the app frequently.
New Options
If you would like any of these options enabled for your store, submit a ticket at oneclickapp.com/support-ticket. Any of these can be enabled for the whole store, or for just the FOH or BOH Team.
- Import shifts by Job from HotSchedules! Now you can import the “Driver” jobs without the “Maintenance” or “Administrative” jobs. Just tell us how you want your shifts to import to OneClickApp.
- Enable pending break state. This has been disabled by default to simplify the process for most users, but it can be re-enabled upon request.
- A 2nd day notes section. A second day notes area can be enabled below the positions in the setup if desired. Contact support with a request to add this to your account if needed.
- “Sharpen up” your layouts. We have new tools to help customize your layouts with new positions, new styles, and new ideas. While the tools are still being developed in private beta, ask us to customize your store for your needs, and we will!
- Email us or schedule a video-chat with the customer support specialist at OneClickApp.com/james
This release also comes with other assorted fixes and improvements.
Version 2.20.1
- New - Option to allow team members employees to create ratings without having permission to view the ratings
Version 2.20.0
- New - Rotating Pods feature is a major upgrade to rotating buddies. Group 2 or more team members in the pod and use the rotate button to cycle them through the positions
- New - “Auto” sort option, and improvements to all sorting options
- Improved - Break sort makes managing breaks for Team Members more intuitive by grouping by break status and ordering by time left on break and time since last break
- New - Option for Training level tag to display on roster card. Now defaults to the Most Advanced Position (right most in the training dashboard) that has a rating. Previously defaulted to the training position with the highest score. Submit a support request to request either “Most Advanced position” or “Highest score” as the Training level tag display option.
- Improved - Shift filtering based on the Layout times works better
- Fixed - “Newbies” tag lasting longer than intended
- Fixed - Rare issues with some users not being able to access their store
Version 2.19.1
- Fixed - Break timer showing erroneous values in certain situations
Version 2.19.0
- New - Sort “Assigned Team Members” by “Needs Break”
- New - Permission for Editing break reports - submit support request if needed
- Improved - Better statistics and controls for break reports. Able to select from a range of dates to view. Filter based on break length. Manually edit breaks. Export as CSV.
- Fixed - Issues with break timing being displayed incorrectly in some situations
Version 2.18.1
- Fixed - Issue with Remove Layout button
Version 2.18.0
- New - 1st Draft of Break Reports (Available with Advanced Break Management)
- New - View suggested team members by clicking the lightbulb in an empty position
- New - Selectable sort options for the assigned and unassigned roster
- Improved - MooLa Transaction entry update
- Improved - Failed login attempts allow retrying
- Fix - Occasional issue of service accounts losing access to their business
- Fix - Invalid breaks appearing in Advanced Break Management
Version 2.17.0
- New - Advanced break management system has the capability to track multiple breaks per team member per day. Breaks are calculated automatically with configurable rules based on shift length, Team Member age, and/or time of day. Reports coming soon.
- Improved - Load team member upcoming schedule more quickly
- Fixed - FOH and BOH training positions switching in the Training Dashboard view
- Fixed - Support for importing schedules from HotSchedules into multiple areas. I.E. Team Members assigned to the Leadership schedule will show up in both FOH and BOH.
- Fixed - Leaders not having access to all features in certain situations
- Fixed - HotSchedules last-sync time not updating every time
Version 2.16.0
- New - ‘Memos’ or ‘Schedule Notes’ Day “Notes” load from Hot Schedules and display above OneClickApp day notes.
- New - Hot Schedules “Location” information displayed next to HS job name. Add a New Location in the Store settings area of HotSchedules.
- New - Notification of new OneClickApp version prior to reloading app.
- New - Ratings history visibility is configurable.
- Change - “Highest Position” shown on Team Member card is now the position with the highest rating instead of the position farthest to the right in the training dashboard.
- Improved - Simplified multi-store Hot Schedules data integration.
- Improved - When the training module is disabled, the permission level is displayed on TM cards.
- Improved - Security, latest security updates.
- Improved - Training dashboard pinned header and name column
- Improved - Training dashboard loading issues
Version 2.15.0
- New - Team Member Schedule view. Each team member can see their upcoming schedule on their profile page.
- New - OneClickApp assigned job displayed. The Team Member Cards in the Roster display all assignments from the current layout, when assigned, instead of HotSchedules assignment.
- New - Tabs in profile view. Information on profile page is separated on to tabs that can be activated individually.
- Improved - Team member access to multiple stores. Store selection options for login.
- Improved - Rename Positions dialog box location. No longer appears off screen at times.
Version 2.14.0
- New - Minor status indicators. Age ranges of team members can be displayed on the roster cards and on the Team Member list. “M”= age 16 or 17, “m”= age 15 or less, “18+” or no indicator for adults. Submit a support ticket to enable this feature on your account.
- New - Copy setup. New Setup Controls allow copying assignments from either the setup before or after the current setup. Find Setup Controls at the bottom of the roster panel.
- New - Rating visibility options. Added 2 new options for controlling visibility of ratings. Submit a support ticket to request these options.
- Option A: Team Members can view their own ratings on their profile page.
- Option B: Restricted viewing for all team members, including leaders. Leaders can view ratings for any team members below their level and can not see any ratings at their level or above. All team members are restricted from viewing their own ratings.
- New - Tutorial. Accessible through the “?” in the upper right corner of the app.
- Improved - Training rubric update process. Standardized rating rubrics available for more positions and a streamlined process for customizing them to match store training programs. Submit a support ticket to request more information.
- Improved - Security. Core software packages updated with latest security patches.
Version 2.13.5
- Fixed - Add layouts button positioned partially off screen for non-iPads
- Fixed - Issue with store service accounts loading
Version 2.13.4
- New - Added Yellow “Pending” break status, break timer now runs with Green status
- New - Scroll bar shows in notes area when text doesn’t fit (not visible on iPad)
- New - Drag lower right corner to resize notes area (not visible on iPad)
- New - Version number links to release notes document
- Fixed - Shift assignments off the screen don’t display when scrolling layouts on iPad
- Fixed - Disabled demo account accessible with building icon visible to some users
Version 2.13.3
- New - Backend updates for scalability
Version 2.13.0
- New - Display user and business name in shift side panel
- New - Admin user support
- New - Privacy policy updated and linked from login screen
- Improved - support for service login for devices in common areas
- Fixed - Update permissions visibility across platform
- Fixed - Director can’t remove their own director permission
- Fixed - Ipad menu bar displaying partially off screen,
- Fixed - Ipad scrolling doesn’t work sometimes